Wow, we serve an awesome God. He has certainly done great and wonderful works here in Sotraki, Goma in DRC. On the final night we saw great joy and celebration particularly amongst the children, who raised the dust from exuberant dance and Jubilation. We were given the opportunity by the people of Goma to lay hands on them and pray for healing in the name of Jesus! We have complete faith and trust that He will be faithful to what his word says in Mark 16:18 – “They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed”
Jesus Christ has been proclaimed to many over the last few days here and we have been obedient to what the word of God commands, to proclaim the Good News to the poor Isaiah 61! It brings us great joy to join in with the party that is going in heaven this very moment as over the last 5 days 261 dear Congolese souls have given their hearts to Jesus. This has not come without a battle, as it seems that the war and unrest has hardened the hearts of the people here. It is impossible to drive around the city and not notice the effect of the 2002 lava flows which have left tonnes and tonnes of hardened volcanic rock! This is in some ways is a picture of what has happened over time to the people of Goma, but the Word of God has gone forth in power and we trust in this promise from the living word of God!
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and isa discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrew 4:12
We know that the follow up is important and so we have given much teaching exhortation for the people to “Read their bibles and pray every day”. One of our hearts desires is to also be able to give out bibles to those that have accepted Jesus into their hearts so please pray that God would provide us and the people of Goma with bibles to read! Along with this invaluable teaching we invited each pastor to invite people to their churches in the local area. The local pastors have been given the decision cards with mobile phones and addresses for them to follow up over the next few weeks.
It is always painful leaving the dear people after the meetings but we know that the Holy Spirit will be the Counsellor and Comforter. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to fall upon each one present this evening and we know that when we welcome the Holy Spirit and give him full freedom He does indeed move. We now have a responsibility to keep interceding in the Spirit for those that gave their hearts to Jesus over the last 5 days.
We feel that we are here for such a time as this and whilst the proclamation of the Gospel is vital we are also being challenged and prompted to intercede for the nation, in particular the east of the country
As Esther pleaded for her people with the King we too are pleading for mercy and salvation for the millions of souls that still need to come to know Jesus. If there ever where a time to pray for a nation it was now and if there were ever a nation that needed saving it is Congo – what a joy it is to be part of Gods great plan and will for all men, women and children to bow their knee to our saviour Jesus Christ.