Isiolo has good solid pastors that stand together and pray together. It was a true blessing to see how the Spirit of God had already put into the hearts of the leaders to focus on reaching the Lost – It seemed a fresh wave of enthusiasm for Evangelism had rolled in. Every leader supported the meetings wholeheartedly. God is on the move in Isiolo.
On our arrival in Isiolo it was hot dry and dusty. To our surprise on the first day just before starting time a heavy storm brewed up and it poured with rain! Just a handful of people came to the crusade. I was challenged to preach as if the stadium was packed! The spirit of God opened the eyes of young and old to call upon the name of Jesus for salvation. The meetings grew and grew till on Sunday we had a good attendance. What so blessed me was the response to the Gospel message among the aged Kenyans. Many old people came forward and called upon the name with all their hearts.
The Lord confirmed His word with signs and wonders – an old man testified how he could barely see and God opened he eyes and he was able to see clearly! I invited all the participating Pastors to pray with me for the sick- as a team we moved among the sick and laid hands on multitudes.
What a Joy to know there were many good churches for the new believers to go into. I believe there was a lasting harvest reaped in Isiolo. It was also a Joy to hear testimonies of people born into the Kingdom of God in 2002 meetings and still walking with the Lord all these years later.