Dear Friends,
When you read this message, remember that we are 8 hours ahead of your time (New York Time). If that would be at 07:30 am today in your place, than we are here already at 03:30 pm and just starting the 3rd day of crusade in Menkao with Roger West – last day of three days in a row.
The first day about 800 people came to the soccer field and 593 turned their lives over to the Giver of all life.
Yesterday were about 1,300 people present and another 364 accepted the invitation for live time.
Thanks for all support in whatever way you are supporting us here for the work in this Teke Tribe.
The great Singer Patrice could not come because of a funeral. But there came another man from a close by village with the very same voice Patrice has. When he startet to sing, a crowd heared and swaped on to the field – believing that (the real) Patrice had come. God is full of surprises while souverain.
Today we have a „Mahalia Jackson“ come from Kinshasa.
The people are very open and hungry for the truth.
We are very thankful for what is going on here in Menkao.
Many greetings
Gottfried & Marie
August 10th; 2013