Nanyuki mid week Bible Study

Every Wednesday

Maxoil Hotel Conference Room

All are Welcome

Listen To Messages from our Mid week Bible Study at Max oil Hotel Nanyuki

The Audio recording failed- There is a PDF -

Nehemiah The Reformer.

12th September 2024

He who Overcomes

4th September 2024

Psalm 67

1st September 2024


22nd August 2024

The Series on Holiness is Inspired by  and based upon

J. C. Ryle’s Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots is a timeless classic on what it means to be a Christian.

Two of the recordings failed Part 3 and Part 6.  The PDF  can be downloaded Below.

Here is a list of some of the 2023 Bible Studies.

That are not available as audio files.  Click a link below to download a message.

  1. The Parable of the Sower Mark 4
  2. The Lord is for the Righteous
  3. The Keys of the Kingdom
  4. Prayer and Watchfulness for the Bible study.
  5. Mark 4 21
  6. John 14 the Holy Spirit given
  7. John 14 (Bible Study)
  8. Bible Study on Guidance
  9. Bible Study Living by Faith not by feelings.
  10. Bible Study How shall we escape.
  11. A new Heart Bible Study.
  12. Isaiah 55
  13. Pauls leter to every believer
  14. Jude. Warning against false teachers.
  15. procrastination the great robber.
  16. Romans 8 HOLINESS
  17. So Great Salvation Bible study
  18. joined Together
  19. tell the Lord
  21. 19 July.  Philippians 4
  22. 26 July.  The 5 Reformation truths- Doctrine valued. Grace
  23. 2 August. The 5 Reformation truths- Through Faith Alone.
  24. 9 August. The 5 Reformation truths- In Christ alone