Ngaremara Christmas Outreach – Day 1
God has begun a good thing in the village of Ngaremara, Northern Kenya.
One could find themselves asking the question to themselves “What good could ever come from Ngaremara”, but we are here to testify that indeed something truly amazing has begun through the Gospel of the Kingdom of God being proclaimed.
We arrived to a hungry, expectant and unified church in the small village and were encouraged to find over 75 church leaders both male and female gathered together in the the mighty name of Jesus.
We shared some simple truths about true and biblical revival (2 Chronicles 7) and we saw a glimpse of heaven as the Holy Spirit began to fall in a powerful way through prayer and intercession for their community. The Kenyan church has a great heritage of prayer which has been greatly encouraging to us after working here for so many years.
Jesus was proclaimed fearlessly and boldly by Roger during the afternoon meeting to the whole village, it seemed. Traditionally dressed local folk almost appeared from no where and were very receptive to the message of the Cross. We saw many respond to the ‘Good News’ and it was such a joy to see people meeting with Jesus in a real and intimate way. Tonight many will lay their head on their pillow at peace with our heavenly Father.
Jesus promised that signs and wonders will accompany the preaching of the Gospel and this afternoon a young boys ears ‘popped’ open during the preaching. It was apparent that his speech was impaired due to the deafness so we also prayed for this and believe that he will be speaking fluently soon. Another lady who had pain in her feet for over 5 months could dance again in worship which was such a joy to witness. Thank you Jesus!
Please keep praying for these dear villagers as we feel they are quite bound by their traditions but we know that Jesus came to break every chain.
Big blessings and Love in Christ Jesus,
RFM Team
Day 2 report
Day 2 – Ngaremara Christmas Outreach
We serve a truly marvellous and wonderful Saviour.
Today we saw something truly beautiful in the morning seminar with the pastors of the village. After a powerful and Holy Spirit filled message on forgiveness the pastors all stood up and exchanged hugs and embraces with another. Please keep praying for the pastors as this area of forgiveness is evidently much needed.
Once again many of the dear Turkana villagers came to hear the Good News preached and we saw a good number of adults and children come and receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We still believe that more need to make true commitments to Christ. We have come to learn that communities can reject those that break from their strong traditional ties.
We saw an overwhelming response to people coming forward to receive prayer for healing which is so wonderful and we trust that those that are bound to be set free. Please pray for true deliverance and salvation through the Blood and Cross of Jesus Christ.
One marvellous testimony of the way the Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus was evident as one lady who was travelling along the main road felt prompted to stop and come to the meetings. As she stood in the crowd God healed her of stomach pains and brought life back to her sick body. Praise the Lord!
We would appreciate prayer for
- The Word to break into the hearts of the Turkana to revive hearts to be alive to Christ
- Our final meeting with the Pastors and that they are revived and filled by the Holy Spirit and keep faithful to the preaching of the Word in purity and holiness
- Prayer for a move among the young people of this village as we hold a Youth orientated meeting tomorrow evening (Timothy will be preaching)
We also really enjoyed seeing some of their traditional dancing during praise and worship (See Instagram Videos)
Much love and blessings in Christ
Live from the mission field in Northern Kenya
RFM Team
Day 3 Ngaremara Christmas Outreach
We are learning so much about the Turkana people here in Ngaremara. It is incredibly important to learn to relate and understand local cultures in missionary work but one thing that unites us is Jesus Christ and the Glorious Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
We had a powerful morning seminar where Roger and Shireen exhorted and encouraged the pastors to ‘Know Chirst and make Him Know” through prayer a full surrender to Christ.
Here are some of the tweets we posted live from the ‘Full Gospel Church’ today.
“One of the first things I learnt as a Christian was #QuietTime – oh to be still and know that He is God” #prayer @shireenwest
“My time I spend alone with God is the most important part of my day” #quiettime @shireenwest
“You will only be able to be an effective witness for The Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:8” @rogerwest
“The one that is full of the Holy Spirit is one that is obedient to the Word of God! ” @rogerwest
As we prayed and laid hands on each member the Holy Spirit fell in power and many spoke in new tongues and were clearly being filled afresh with joy and strength. This equipping through the Holy Spirit is such a vital part of ‘ Making disciples’ as they will go on to be a light in their own village.
Timothy brought the Word during the main meeting which was his first time to preach a whole message with RFM. Praise God as the Word of God did not return void, Jesus saved souls today in Ngaremara. We recorded 44 decisions of precious souls committing to follow Jesus – all of heaven will be rejoicing this evening. Timothy was able to spend some time doing dome follow up teaching on reading the Bible and on Prayer. Shireen was able to minister to the ‘mamas’ who only spoke Turkana and felt greatly moved to continue praying for chains to be broken in Jesus name. Please now join with us in prayer as we continue to connect these new believers with the local Church and try to provide bibles in their local language. (We will need to source some bibles in the Turkana language)
One wonderful testimony was how a lady who had terrible pain in her side and back was healed by Jesus. This testimony came through a pastor that had been speaking and ministering to a member of his congregation.
Please pray for
- Small teams that will go into the interior of the bush to pray and minister to people who cannot necessarily make it to the main meetings.
- Soft hearts to enable true salvations for those that have not yet come to Know Jesus
- Freedom from fear of confessing and testifying what Jesus has done in their lives
Strength for the team as we go into the last two days
Much Love and blessings in Jesus Name
The RFM Team
“The most precious and marvellous times I have had have been alone with Jesus in a quiet place of prayer” @shireenwest
— Timothy West ツ † (@trcwest) December 20, 2013
Ngaremara Christmas Outreach
We only want to Boast in Christ! May He be lifted up and given all the glory for the souls saved today in Northern Kenya! “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14” Today we took an awesome team (Jimmy, Miguel and Macharia and Timothy) into a very rural community. It was so marvellous and incredibly humbling as we went ‘hut to hut’ listening to the amazing life stories of the Turkana people. We had the privilege to minister and pray with many of the dear old folk who cannot venture much further than a metre or two away from their hut! The main physical need was blindness through cataracts and so we prayed for healing and believe God will has healed them. We also feel that practical help is needed as this is such a simple operation. If you have any links to good doctors that can come and visit these people that would be fantastic.
It was a joy to be able to share the Gospel freely but please pray that hearts would be softened to the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father One young 15 year old lad called John has dreams of becoming a Doctor, please pray for him as he pursues this dream The evening meeting was fantastic where Roger shared a strong but simple Gospel message with some brilliant parables to illustrate the Gospel. It was so clear and accessible that even the children where captivated by the wonderful Word of God. The response was brilliant as both young and old came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We really saw some of the younger men surrender their lives to Jesus! We saw two marvellous healings in the precious feet of the Turkana tribeswomen. One lady came up and even danced for Jesus in front for all to see! Praise the Lord! Please pray as the team go into various churches to encourage the body of Christ in ‘Isiolo’ and ‘Archers Post’. We are going to give it all we have tomorrow as we share Jesus Light during this wonderful Christmas season.
All in the wonderful name of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
With much Love and Blessings in Christ. RFM”